Western Australia

Western Australia is the largest State in Australia. Its size is matched only by the diversity of its traditional owners.


According to the last census, WA is home to nearly 20,000 Indigenous Catholics. The highest percentage of Catholics is in Broome where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders make up 61% of all Catholics. Geraldton comes in second where 13% of Catholics are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander.


For a summary of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Statistics drawn from the 2016 Census (Inlcuding stats for each NSW Diocese), please click here.


Remote communities throughout WA practice their traditional languages and incorporate their own cultural symbols and rituals into the Mass.


In Perth, the ACM is located on Baker St. It is a Perth institution and visits 100's of people that are in prison or in hospital. The Mass in the Park has proven to be extremely popular and always sees a large congregation.

NATSICC Councillor

 Shirley Quaresimin WA Councillor NATSICC Deputy Chairperson

Shirley Quaresimin is the NATSICC Deputy Chairperson. Shirley is a Nyikina person from the Kimberley and was involved in the establishment of NATSICC over 20 years ago. She brings vast experience of regional and urban Aboriginal Catholics to NATSICC.


At just 8 years old, Shirley attended the first Catholic School in Derby and it is here that the Sisters of St. John of God and the Pallottine Fathers played a part in developing her faith journey.   The Sisters prepared Shirley for life, to have the ability to be part of church and for young Aboriginal girls a message/creed for living.


Shirley was inspired by her Grandmother Emily who taught her how to understand her Aboriginal spirituality and Catholic faith.  She was also a Catholic but did not lose her own Spirituality.



ACM Perth

5 Baker Ave, Perth WA 6000, Australia

PO Box 8111, Perth WA 6849, Australia

Phone (08) 9328 7529

Fax (08) 9227 0732

Email acmperth@westnet.com.au


Kora Centre Incorporated

54 Lawrence St, Bayswater WA 6053, Australia

Phone (08) 9271 9031

Fax (08) 9271 9031


Ruah - Kambarang Place

GPO Box 2828, West Perth WA 6872, Australia

Phone (08) 9328 7562

Fax (08) 9228 4674

Email administration@ruah.com.au

Website www.ruah.com.au


Daydawn Advocacy Centre

5 Aberdeen St, Perth WA 6000, Australia

PO Box 8750, Perth Business Centre WA 6849, Australia

Phone (08) 9218 8035

Fax (08) 9218 8027

Email daydawn@perthcatholic.org.au

Website www.daydawn.org.au


Yanayi Aboriginal Catholic Centre

Centre of Parish Life and Mission

PO Box 2044, Geraldton 6531

Phone: 99642716

Fax 08 9964 7171


Pallotine Community - Geraldton

Marnie Ryan YAS

Phone: 08 9939 1065

Email: marnie55@westnet.com.au


Daughters of Charity

419 Sherlock St., Roebourne WA 6718

Phone: 08 9182 1058; Fax 08 9172 2865

Email: thriftdc@westnet.com.au

Sr. Lorraine Thrift; Sr. Marie Oƒ‚'€™Brien.






Diocese of Bunbury

5 Brend-tor Street

PO Box 2005

Bunbury WA 6230

Phone: (08) 9721 0500

Fax: (08) 9721 3216



Diocese of Broome

13 Barker Street

PO Box 76, Broome WA 6725

Phone: 08 9192 1060

Fax: 08 9192 2136

Email: info@broomediocese.org






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National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council

'The peak Indigenous advisory body to the Catholic Church'

80C Payneham Rd.

Stepney SA 5069

www.natsicc.org.au   |   craig@natsicc.org.au   | 08 8363 2963


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